OEM Services

Decades of providing quality products and services to the automotive space has allowed us to partner with some of the largest companies in the industry. Superior Integrated Solutions works with multiple OEM’s on a variety of different levels spanning from private label technology to customized DMS integration.

We are known for our ability to customize any project to meet the specific scope required for your organization and pride ourselves in our ability to move at the speed of business. Here is an idea of how OEM’s are utilizing our services today.

Our core technology is DMS integration and with over 11,800 interfaces - nobody does it better. We integrate with nearly every DMS and provide a normalized data set regardless of which DMS the data is pulled from. Superior Integrated Solutions gives you the ability to have One Integration Partner for any application you bring to market. In addition, we offer a turnkey solution providing front line support to insulate your company.

Millennial customers are continuing to drive a need for transparency throughout the car buying experience. Organizations on the forefront of this transition are pioneering systems that will allow for a complete car transaction online and our TRUEpayment solution will allow for a shift from offering “estimated” payments to showing actual payments. If you would like to discuss how an organizational shift to TRUEpayments can help your dealer network sell more cars, please contact us today.

More and more legislation and oversight has really brought the subject of data to the forefront in the eyes of dealerships and OEM’s alike. Our DataShield solution will provide your dealer network with a few key benefits that will help them to comply GLB safeguards and privacy rules. As dealers look for options that give them the visibility and control they need regarding which companies access what data and when, DataShield has the answer!

The F&I department has come a long way since it’s inception and so have the tools we use. Our patent pending, next generation F&I technology brings big data analytics to the F&I department for the first time ever. If you are looking to have the absolute best tools available to drive F&I profits while offering the end consumer the best experience, look no further. Contact us today and schedule a presentation.